Monday, October 8, 2012

Windows 8 - What version should you use?

Short Answer .... it depends on how you expect to use it.

I won't repeat what is well stated in this article, so review that first please:

A couple of things summarize that article quite well:
  1. If you purchase an ARM powered device that comes with Windows 8 RT, you cannot upgrade
  2. If you purchase an x86 or x64 powered device you are limited to using the Full Windows 8
  3. Windows 8 RT - the RT means RunTime, a limited version of 8 designed for ARM powered tablets and phones.
  4. A Windows 8 RT device will not run legacy programs you now use on XP or Windows 7
  5. A Windows 8 RT device will not allow you to run a desktop like you now have on XP or Windows 7

So those are the basic elements you have to consider when considering a "Windows 8 RT" or "Windows 8" Tablet.

It's expected that Windows 8 RT devices will be selling for about 1/2 the price of the full x86 powered Windows 8 and Windows 8 Pro powered tablets.... so making the right choice is more than just dollars and cents. It will really depend on what and how you plan to use to use it.

Outside of email and Internet browsing, If you need to be able to run many of the programs you now use on XP, Vista and Windows 7 directly on the tablet, you will have to spend the extra money for the full Windows 8  ( and Pro) tablets.

If all you need is the ability to run email, browse the internet and connect back to your office to access a physical or virtual  PC located there, you will most likely be equiping yourself with a Windows 8 RT tablet.

Personally, I think most business users will want the full power of the full Windows 8 powered tablets. It's obvious that HP believes the same since they will not be offering the RT powered devices.

For budget consious corporate networks, the ability to a have a full desktop at work using multiple monitors etc.... and, the ability to unplug the tablet from it's dock for mobile access is going to be a powerful incentive. Just check this out for example and use your imagination. Picture two full Page Oriented monitors on either side of this baby with keyboard and mouse + the ability of un-docking it and slipping it into a back-pack or briefcase when on the road.

That's an image of an Acer Iconia W700. The versions I have seen pricing on are very good. The Acer W700 with 64GB SSD Hard drive will sell for  $799. Not much more than the WIFI only 64gb iPad2. Business users who need the power will definately see the value in selecting and using full Windows 8 devices.

WARNING.... Many will be confused about the differences between the lower priced RT Windows tablets compared to the fully Windows 8 x86 or x64 powered tablets.

Another way of looking at this is quiet simple. If you currently need to drag along a laptop because your iPad doesn't do everything you need to do, stay away from the lower priced RT Windows tablets.... Sell or give away your laptop and iPad and get a full powered X86 or X64 Windows 8  tablet.

There will be many Windows 8RT and Windows 8 devices on the market at the end of October... do your homework and make the right choice.....  Expect to see a lot of buzz from HP, Dell, Lenovo, Asus, Samsung etc..... 

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