Friday, February 19, 2010

FACEBOOK: How to protect yourself (Part1)

"It ain't what you don't know that hurts you, it's what you know that ain't so." -- Satchel Paige.

First, at the risk of repeating myself: I Love Facebook

It has allowed me to keep up with friends and family in a way that was never before possible. I've even touched based with old friends I haven't seen in years. Life is busy and so are we!

Facebook can be a safe place to visit if you use the necessary precautions and some common sense. That is what I want to bring to the table. I have already touched on the subject of safe browsing habits some weeks ago. For a refresher you could read that again by clicking here.

In this first part of the series FACEBOOK: How to protect yourself, I want to talk about Facebook applications, Facebook games and the links you are bound to see coming your way everyday you log on to the site.

Valentine's day on Facebook saw many people sending Valentine's to all of their friends. I know I received several myself (blush!). If it were not for the fact that I typically hide them, I would also see many posts for Farmville and similar games. These are all examples of Facebook applications and Facebook games. Nothing in my post is intended to offend anyone when I say that I personally ignore all of them. Let me tell you why.

Every time you click on a Valentine or Farmville posting, for example, this is what you see:
Has everyone taken the time to read it AND understand it's meaning?

Essentially, by clicking the box that says "Allow", you agree to:
"let it pull your profile information, photos, your friends' info, and other content that it requires to work"

After you agree to it, the application has access to information regarding your friends information, your photos and your profile. The privacy settings you have so carefully setup are moot since you have just given permission to allow access. If the application were malicious in intent, you would have given the means to steal your identity. This bears repeating: BY CLICKING ALLOW, YOU HAVE GIVEN AWAY ACCESS TO INFORMATION WHICH WOULD ALLOW A THIEF TO STEAL YOUR IDENTITY.

Check this out:

Other types of postings can then be sent to all your friends that could, for example, be links that try to invade and infect their computer with malware, viruses, keyloggers etc.... Or worse.

And, Remember, keep your real important stuff private:

I'm a pretty busy guy and don't have time to question everything I click on so I made a personal decision to ignore any Facebook application or games that requires access to my profile, my photos and friends list. Facebook was started with the sole purpose of keeping connections to friends and family, sharing with them and spreading the news. I'm just keeping it that way.

I am not saying you shouldn't do Facebook applications and Facebook games, just be cautious.

Next week: My Facebook account has been hacked: How the heck did that happen anyway?

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